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I chose USC to learn about Game Design in an academic and professional setting, and have accumulated a wide repertoire of skills that are useful in the industry.

Video Games

The Witch List | Art Lead

Social mobile game with gesture based combat where you can fight friends to become the best witch around. Designed to have a bold, vibrant visual pallet with a cute style.

Developed style of the game, created style guides, environment concept work, UI kit, made card art and splash art, managed a team of artists.

FIGHT ME! | Lead Designer

Concept and pitch for a social mobile fighting game where players unlock and fight with a variety of monsters.

Came up with game concept, UI/UX design, character art and design, managed a team.

Board Games

Haunt | Lead Designer

1 vs Many board game based on tropes of high school and the horror genre. Exited prototype phase and was printed using

Created core mechanics, drew box and character art, managed a team.

Poseidon's Fury | Designer

Asymmetrical board game in which several players try to traverse the ocean on ships as a god player creates obstacles and tries to stop them. Paper prototyped and play-tested. 

Part of game design, created card art and game pieces.

Tabletop RPGs

Trust Me
Weird West

Trust Me & Weird West

Trust Me is a original one-page RPG based in creating a competitive space where players try to ruin each other's chances with Liar's Dice as the main mechanic of the game. This is the nearly final, play tested product. 

Weird West is a splat book created for Dungeons and Dragons Basic, containing 3 new mechanics, 2 status conditions, a special class called the Tumble Witch (along with a few new spells for the class to use), 3 new items, 3 monsters, and a suggested adventure to run in the setting.

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